The world is Nada….a vibration.
Weaned from the long tradition of Nada and sound healing from ancient cultures of India and beyond, the process initiates the innate sound within you, delving you deeper into the cosmic vortex. A gong bath is a vibration healing sensation that stills the mind and soothes the soul and brings about deep relaxation, oneness, harmony and eternal bliss. The gongs have been used in sacred ceremonies since ancient times. Its glorious echo has been referred to as the messenger of the gods, the “un-struck” chords of our collective hearts.
The gongs eternal sounds are brought by Sanj Hall, a traveling gong yogi who has taken the divine order to spread the goodness of gongs and its teachings around the world. He extensively travels to Europe, Middle East and Asia as well in ashrams and monasteries in India and Nepal.
He also performs “free spiritual jazz concerts” both as a solo artist as well in collaboration with many musicians as well researches on sound healing/practices around the world, fusing ancient wisdom with modern scientific work.