María Alejandra Avcharian is an Ayurvedic Medicine Therapist and Plastic Artist. She began to be interested in Indian philosophy and painting at the age of 11, in nutrition at 14 and in yoga at 17. María studied medicine, biological sciences, functional nutrition and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the National School of Fine arts, but something was missing …
One day she was told about Ayurveda medicine and from that moment, María started in this world that unites her passions: the body, the mind and the soul.
María has studied in Uruguay, trained in India at PDI Prakash Institute and PVA ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala, and did several postgraduate courses both in India and Argentina. She also trained as a female transformational therapist and biodecoder. She believes that all roads speak of the same thing but each being needs different approaches.
María manages an account on Instagram @ayurvedamoderna where she creates a community to be able to expand this knowledge to all who are in search.
María attends personal consultations in her virtual office and gives workshops and seminars in various countries of the world: Argentina, India, Chile, Spain, Uruguay, Mexico and United States.