Whilst spending her days in selfless service or Karma Yoga she has also experienced first hand the miracle of living and practicing a yogic lifestyle, having completely healed from Lupus, an autoimmune disorder she had been diagnosed with and suffered from for over 8 years with a history of ill-health from childhood.
Today she lives a life dedicated to health and wellness, overseeing multi-faceted service initiatives undertaken by Parmarth Niketan and its affiliated organizations. She is currently Director of Projects & Communication for the Global Interfaith WASH Alliance, an organisation dedicated to improving water, sanitation and hygiene for all, a KAICCID Fellow for promoting interreligious dialogue, and Vice President for the Harijan Sevak Sangh, Uttarakhand (foundation founded by Mahatma Gandhiji in 1932 for the upliftment of the most vulnerable sections of our society). She has been teaching and practicing Yoga for over 10 years, has completed her 900 hour ATTC with the Yoga Institute, Mumbai and her 200 hour TTC at Parmarth Niketan, and her hobbies include singing, dancing, trekking and spending time in Nature.