Along with founding Sattva Yoga, he has established the Sattva Yoga Academy, a leading yoga teacher training school in Rishikesh, Sattva Connect with online teachings and classes, and Sattva Retreat which is a global destination. His visionary approach to yoga has led to the establishment of the Sattva Summit, a unique annual gathering that explores the nature of consciousness and celebrates the potential for humanity to live with a radical sense of aliveness, purpose and freedom. In addition to being a master teacher, Anand has also created the charitable initiatives of Khushi Foundation and Sattva Foundation.
Anand has been featured in many award-winning documentaries including The Highest Pass. He has led several impactful, and undoubtedly transformational, motorcycle journeys over the Himalayas. His teachings invite participants to break the limitations of their own mind and to experience themselves as fully present in their lives. He has dedicated his own life to honoring the knowledge and wisdom of the Himalayas, to protecting the integrity of the powerful techniques contained within the ancient practices, and to guiding others to their own self-realization through yoga.