Frequently Asked Questions

Register for IYF 2025!

About the IYF

Click here to register for IYF 2025!   Eventbrite is the ONLY way to purchase tickets for Parmarth Niketan’s International Yoga Festival 2025. Our official correspondence is only through There may also be some tickets to purchase on location at Parmarth Niketan each day of the festival, subject to availability.


About the Ashram

By car, train, air, and taxi. Please see for specific information.


About Registering for IYF

Please be sure that you have a valid visa for India and that your passport is current. Requirements may change so be sure to check the Indian Embassy website for your country to ensure that you have the most updated visa information and visa.


You can make an additional donation to the Ashram when booking your IYF pass. If you wish to make donations at the Ashram, please only do so at the Main Reception desk. Make sure to receive your receipt (even if you don’t require it). Please do not tip anyone, as this is against Ashram policy.